Have you ever been getting dressed and ready in the morning and you look into the mirror and your eyes are red and look like you’ve been out late drinking? You know when you get to work everyone is going to be asking you if you had a late night unless you do something about your red eyes. There is a great treatment for that and it’s called Lumify eye drops (Bausch + Lomb).

Lumify eye drops work by shrinking the size of the blood vessels on the front of the eye, and it does it ridiculously fast. Like in less than two minutes. Thats 120 seconds away from having white, normal looking eyes.

Unlike other over-the-counter medications like Visine, Lumify typically does not cause a burning sensation when used and does not have a rebound effect (i.e. the redness gets worse) after using for a long time then stopping.

Using Lumify eye drops is very easy. Simply put one drop in each eye. If you use any other eye drops you’ll want to wait a few minutes before putting in the other drop so one doesn’t wash out the other. If you wear contact lenses, wait about ten minutes after using Lumify before inserting your contacts. You can use it every 8 hours as necessary.

It’s important to realize that Lumify does not correct the underlying cause the redness. Rather, Lumify will temporarily hide the redness. In many cases, the redness will return within about a day unless you add another drop of Lumify. This isn’t a big deal if your eye is irritated short term because you got something in your eye. But if you have chronic dry eyes, you’ll be better off seeing an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and appropriate long term treatment.

Lumify does not require a prescription and can be purchased at most pharmacies and big box stores in the eye care aisle.

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