How to Identify and Treat Pink Eye

How to Identify and Treat Pink Eye

What is pink eye? Pink eye — also called conjunctivitis — is inflammation of the thin, clear covering of the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva). Conjunctivitis can have several causes (see below), but many eye doctors use the term “pink...
What is the Snellen Eye Test Chart

What is the Snellen Eye Test Chart

Snellen Eye Test Chart What is the Snellen Eye Test Chart? Hopefully by now, we’ve all seen one. The projected or wall-mounted Snellen eye chart, usually topped by the big letter “E”, is a common visual acuity test used to measure your sharpness of vision at multiple...
What Are Eye Floaters?

What Are Eye Floaters?

What Are Eye Floaters? You’ve probably seen them before.  Semi-transparent spots gently floating across your vision.  You try to follow them as they glide by, but when you move your eyes to follow they quickly move away. Those spots are eye floaters....
Lumify Eye Drops

Lumify Eye Drops

Have you ever been getting dressed and ready in the morning and you look into the mirror and your eyes are red and look like you’ve been out late drinking? You know when you get to work everyone is going to be asking you if you had a late night unless you do...
How Do You Know if You Have Dry Eyes?

How Do You Know if You Have Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes can cause a bunch of symptoms that can really affect your quality of life, or at least slow you down from time to time. Let’s review some symptoms that suggest you may have dry eyes. The most common symptoms of dry eyes are tearing (watery eyes),...
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